Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Consultant Edition v7.0.20111005 英文正式版(網路漏洞掃瞄軟體)
check crack\install.txt
這是一款網路漏洞掃瞄工具。通過網路爬蟲測試你的網站安全,檢測流行的攻擊 ,如
交叉站台腳本,sql 注入等。在被駭客攻擊前掃瞄購物車,表格、安全區域和其他Web
應用程式。75% 的互聯網攻擊目標是基於Web的應用程式。因為他們時常接觸機密數據
Audit your website security with Acunetix Web Vulnerability
As many as 70% of web sites have vulnerabilities that could
lead to the theft of sensitive corporate data such as credit
card information and customer lists.
Hackers are concentrating their efforts on web-based
applications - shopping carts, forms, login pages, dynamic
content, etc. Accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world,
insecure web applications provide easy access to backend
corporate databases.
Firewalls, SSL and locked-down servers are futile against web
application hacking!
Web application attacks, launched on port 80/443, go straight
through the firewall, past operating system and network level
security, and right in to the heart of your application and
corporate data. Tailor-made web applications are often
insufficiently tested, have undiscovered vulnerabilities and
are therefore easy prey for hackers.
Acunetix - a world-wide leader in web application security
Acunetix has pioneered the web application security scanning
technology: Its engineers have focused on web security as
early as 1997 and developed an engineering lead in web site
analysis and vulnerability detection.
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Consultant Edition v8.0.2012.12.13 英文正式版(網路漏洞掃瞄軟體)
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Consultant Edition v8.0 2012.08.08 英文正式版(網路漏洞掃瞄軟體)
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner CE v8.0 英文正式版(網路漏洞掃瞄軟體)
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Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner CE v8.0.20120508 英文正式版(網路漏洞掃瞄工具軟體)
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